Monday, September 2, 2024

Poetry Corner* Dr. Archan Mehta

Nature of Poetry

 At the start, 
I did not know, 
I was not aware, 
I did not understand, 
How poetry, suddenly, 
Entered my life 
Or whether poetry 
Entered my life at all. 
The experience was 
Mysterious and I felt Mesmerized by the
Power of verse, 
Gentle readers, 
And I stood motionless, 
Staring blankly into Outer space, as if one 
Possessed by demons, 
Or a fire that burns inside 
Your heart and turns the 
Earth under your Feet into ashes: Poetry would not Talk with me, 
Poetry would answer 
None of my questions, 
But poetry cast a Magical spell over me
And held me 
In awe and fascination.
Poetry covered me in 
Mud and brandished 
A sword and talked 
In several tongues: It was as if poetry 

Possessed a will Of its own: Poetry was a snake 
And I was charmed 
By its magnificence. 
Suddenly, Poetry smoked a cigar, 
And, later, a pipe
And started to Sing in an alien voice. 
Suddenly, Poetry turned Diamonds into stone, 
Water into wine, 
Poetry healed the sick, 
And, later, poetry 
Walked away in
 A silk dress and High-heeled shoes, 
Poetry smoked 
A Cuban cigar, 
Poetry ignored me 
And did not bother 
To say even good-bye, 
I tried to reach out, 
But poetry avoided Me, deliberately 
And intentionally, 
And, finally, poetry 
Was lost in the 
Shadows and Gone forever? 

Would I ever Experience poetry again?


Dr. Archan Mehta has earned a PhD. in Management. Currently, he is a Consultant and Writer based in India. In his free time, Dr. Mehta likes to stroll in the outdoors and party with close friends. He is also fond of meditation. Please feel free to reach out to the poet at at your convenience.

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