Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Poetry Corner* Dr. Archan Mehta


 An Ode to You and I, Sky.


I don’t know

What to say

But to utter

The words:

“I love you.”

Somewhere, out there,

In the wild and barren

Desert I call my life

I finally discovered

An oasis in your

Fertile, nubile eyes:

You eyes fluttered

And acquired wings

And started to fly

Like a butterfly.

Even so, in mid-flight,

This butterfly was arrested

By the corrupt police,

Who ordered you

To return to my heart.

My soul feels lonely

Without your warm embrace.

That is why my soul

Searches for you everywhere

When you disappear, suddenly:

When you are not around,

My soul despairs and 

pines for you,

For only you,

My love, and for

Nobody else but you.

When you leave me alone,

My nails scratch the

Surface of the moon

In a vain attempt

To find you lurking behind

A volcano or a hill

Or a mountain or a valley.

Are you hiding 

Behind a winking star?

Where are you?

How do I locate you?

Oh, pray where

Can I find you, beloved?

Please send me a map

Of our universe and give

Me the exact directions

So I can find the tiny

Dot where I lost my

Heart but discovered art.

When you walk

On the surface of 

A wave, make sure

You reach the shore

Where I will be

Waiting for you,

To pick you up

Like expectant relatives

Waiting to receive their

Kith and kin at airports.

You are like the

Oxygen of this air

I breathe

And my lungs

Are crying out

For only you.

Yet, despite my

Passionate pleas,

You conveniently avoid me

Like a fugitive from justice,

And still I keep on loving

The criminal lurking within

The DNA of your being.

When you are away,

I remember how your

Smile makes the 

Ocean part, so I can

Reach safely and hit

Dry land, so I do not

Drown and lose my life

In your arrogant, dreamy

And oceanic eyes.

When I eat dinner alone,

I reserve a chair at the

Table for you and I

Have to pretend

You are there for

Me to provide company.

Every morsel of food,

Every sip of fine wine,

Reminds me of you.

In the hour of twilight,

I feel like screaming

Your name and I

Wish upon a star

You will fall into

My arms like

Snowflakes during

A winter storm

Descending from heaven.


Dr. Archan Mehta has earned a PhD. in Management. Currently, he is a Consultant and Writer based in India. In his free time, Dr. Mehta likes to stroll in the outdoors and party with close friends. He is also fond of meditation. Please feel free to reach out to the poet at archanm@hotmail.com at your convenience.