Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Poetry Corner* Dr. Archan Mehta

Poem : Power of Memory

Something we love

Lives after us:

A favorite song,

A cherished friend,

A sweet and cute baby,

Blessed with cherubic cheeks.

We pursue our passion

But only have one life to live.

Something we love

Lives after us:

A stolen kiss,

Bar-hopping and gate-crashing

Parties when we were young

And restless and carefree.

Memories we share will

Return to haunt us like

A phantom lurking 

Silently in the shadows.

Memory is like an old

Shirt we wear, time and again,

Long after we pass on.

And this is our new dawn:

For this body is only

Our temporary abode.

But people who are

Close to us

Will remember us

Long after we are gone beyond

The setting of the sun.


Dr. Archan Mehta has earned a PhD. in Management. Currently, he is a Consultant and Writer based in India. In his free time, Dr. Mehta likes to stroll in the outdoors and party with close friends. He is also fond of meditation. Please feel free to reach out to the poet at archanm@hotmail.com at your convenience.

Image credit: Pixabay.com