On Passing Away
Beloved kith and kin:
Pray, don’t weep for me—
Death, after all, was meant to be:
I consider myself lucky to have
Found a shade the color of wine,
Which enveloped me in a warm embrace
Before it was my time
To merge with the gentle night.
Meanwhile, the river ran
Like a swift and sure hare
In a race to the finish line.
Be soft and gentle with me:
This is my final plea
Before I sink into mother earth.
But I have no regrets, you see—
For I have woken up to the
Sound of birds chirping in the morn—
Why, I have been lucky
To have been offered soft
French croissants dripping with butter.
And I am sure to experience
Love in the here and after.
Please do not weep for me.
You see, sooner or later
We all must face the
Inevitability of death
As darkness descends over
Us like an unwanted shadow
And this log fire burns into
A sacred ash like a rite of passage.
We human beings are
Like curious travelers here
With an eternal message
And this is our final song: sing along.
Dr. Archan Mehta has earned a PhD. in Management. Currently, he is a Consultant and Writer based in India. In his free time, Dr. Mehta likes to stroll in the outdoors and party with close friends. He is also fond of meditation. Please feel free to reach out to the poet at archanm@hotmail.com at your convenience.
The exact fact is unveiled. Worded well.