Above and Beyond
Set your sights on high, You’ve got to go for the goal
Focus on the next level, Put your best foot forward
You’ve got to go above and beyond
Nothing was ever accomplished by sitting on your assets
Nor by resting on your laurels
You will never be handed a silver platter, Or earn a gold medal
Until you go above and beyond
Find your niche in life, Find your true calling
Reach for it with all your heart, Pour all your energy into it
Make them stand up and take notice
You’ve got to go above and beyond
What you thought you couldn’t achieve
Never let it be said, He didn’t go for it
Or she didn’t make it
Allow yourself the freedom to soar to new heights
Go above and beyond the average
Never settle for mediocrity
‘Cause once you do, you’ll never live it down
Don’t let them ridicule you, instead make them proud
Let them see how awesome you really can be
Go above and beyond what is normal
Be all the Creator intended
And, never let it be said
You didn’t try
Evelyn Cogdell is a poet, educational consultant and cookbook author residing in Chicago.
You go, Eve!