Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Poetry Corner* Dr. Archan Mehta

 Literary Pursuits

I do not raise

A bottle to my lips

To drown my sorrows,

But drinking helps me

To forget about you.

I wanted to pursue

You like adolescent boys

Panting after girls 

Wearing micro-mini skirts

But you remained

Outside of my reach.

Even so, I loved how, page

After page, revealed

Your deep and dark secrets

But you were a cave

And I felt lost inside of it.

There were also times

When I felt your soul

Was an area of darkness.

But I did not utter a word

Of protest since I majored

In a subject called economics.

As the years chugged along,

You and I had an uneasy

Relationship and you had

No sense of time

And I found myself

Lost in this bottle of wine.


Dr. Archan Mehta has earned a PhD. in Management. Currently, he is a Consultant and Writer based in India. In his free time, Dr. Mehta likes to stroll in the outdoors and party with close friends. He is also fond of meditation. Please feel free to reach out to the poet at archanm@hotmail.com at your convenience.