Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Guest Post By Dr. Archan Mehta


A Friend Remembers

By: Dr. Archan Mehta 

Let us remember

those who have passed on

their swan song

which haunts us still

like an army drill.

Their lives were not

Lived in vain,

They will rise again 

in our own hearts

When we sit

across the table,

we will recall the fable:

stories from the deep end

which created a friend.

Our friends are no longer

with us in blood and flesh

but their spirits

will stay with us

till the end.


 Dr. Archan Mehta has earned a PhD. in Management. Currently, he is a Consultant and Writer based in India. In his free time, Dr. Mehta likes to stroll in the outdoors and party with close friends. He is also fond of meditation. Please feel free to reach out to the poet at archanm@hotmail.com at your convenience.

Image credit: Pixabay.com